Thursday, April 9, 2015

Healthy Eats

I've recently become a vegetarian. (the past 3 months) I've never been much of a meat lover and I've eaten vegetarian diets before but it never really stuck. This time is the real deal! I stopped eating meat for a lot of different reasons. Mainly for my health. Heart disease, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) all run in my family and I want no part of it. Cutting meat out is the first step of many to help myself sustain a healthy life. Another reason I don't eat meat is for moral reasons. Not because I don't think its right to eat animals, because I think its perfectly fine to hunt for food for your family. What I don't think is fine is the treatment of the animals that end up on the grocery store shelves. I've watched all of those documentaries that tell and show you all of the terrible conditions the animals are kept in. But when you see and SMELL it for yourself its a WHOLE nother story. Driving out to San Diego, California from Cleveland, Ohio I saw more than I needed to, to convince me. Seeing cows standing knee deep in their own feces chained up to feeding troughs for miles is just disgusting and frankly I want no part of it.

Americans eat way more protein than we are supposed to any way. So I took the plunge. I used to think vegetarians ate salads, smoothies, tofu and veggie sticks. Thats probably why I never stayed a vegetarian for longer than a few months at a time. My husband still eats meat, but he cooks it himself if he wants it. I cook vegetarian dishes every day and I LOVE it. There are so many really good recipes that I've found. I even ordered my husband the "Thug Kitchen" cook book to encourage him to cook real food and at least realize that vegetarian dishes can be delicious.


 I highly recommend it and IT WORKED! He has started cooking and he's loved every single thing from that cookbook. I think it helps that they put everything in "thug/bro" language throwing in the occasional "motherfucker" and swear words. It really is funny. The first thing I made was black bean tortas and he said:
"wow, I would have never guessed that there was no meat in here" 
Eva -1 Meat -0 It's a small victory but it still makes me happy. I don't think he'll ever stop eating meat, but as long as he's eating as healthy as he can, I'm happy. I just feel like its so wasteful to put garbage into your body only to get sick. Why not eat food thats delicious and actually good for you!